Malory tagged me...'bout time she got a blog!
1. What are your middle names? Lee & Shontaine
2. How long have you been together? 4 years in March
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? Well...we met in jr. high but started "hanging out" the end of our senior year.
4. Who asked who out? No one actually asked each other out...long story short...Sandy had me come hang out with her, Steve, and Blake.
5. How old were each of you? I was 17, he was 18
6. Whose siblings do/ did you see the most? Well we live in California so we don't see our families much!
7. Do you have any children together? Nope...
8. What about pets? No, I want an English Bulldog so bad but our place doesn't allow pets.
9. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? Like everyone The economy is horrible so it's hard to keep or get a job right now.
10. Did you go to the same school? Yep!
11. Are you from the same home town? I'm from Payson, he's from Santaquin. But I did move to Santaquin for like a year before we got married.
12. Who is smarter? Depends on the subject.
13. Who is more sensitive? Me, I'm a baby.
14. Where do you eat out most as a couple? Uhh...home mostly. But sometimes Applebee's, Olive Garden, Chili's?
15. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Cali. I guess
16. Who has the craziest exes? Umm....haha...we both do..mine is probably worse though.
17. Who has the worse temper? Probably me
18. Who does the cooking? Depends on if I'm working or not.
19. Who is more social? I think I am...
20. Who is the neat-freak? Probably me
21. Who is the more stubborn? Me...
22. Who hogs the bed? Usually me...
24. Where was your first date? We "hung out" at Steve's house and played pool and watched The Village.
25. Who has the bigger family? He does since his brothers have wives and kids.
26. Do you get flowers often? No...
27. How do you spend the holidays? We spilt the day between each of our families!
28. Who is more jealous? I don't think we're really jealous...
29. How long did it take to get serious? Ummm...awhile just before he left on the mission probably.
30. Who eats more? Blake
31. Who does the laundry? Blake
32. Who’s better with the computer? Me, Blake hates computers...ha.
33. Who drives when you are together? Blake
Now I tag... EvErYoNe!
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