Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

So long, farewell, and sooo behind!

I've sucked at updating. I don't really know why because I still read everyones blogs but when it came to ours I kept thinking of all the things that I need to blog about and as the days went on, the list got longer, and I continued to push blogging aside. But since Blake is out of town for a few days I'm taking the spare time for a quick update! Blake's basketball season ended and sadly they didn't get into the tournament. But Blake was All Conference again so that was good. :) The day we found out they didn't get in the tournament, Blake's teammate started to split...buncha mamas boys! Haha! That night our bishop took us all out to eat at the Hometown Buffet and after we went back to our place and played games and had our last party with some of the guys! Game night was hilarious! Imagine playing word games with a Japanese guy who doesn't really understand the english language...I got a serious ab workout from laughing that night!
Ryo, Blake, me, Darrin, and Chris outside of HTB
Family photo :)

The whole (well most) of the team with our bishop and some of his kids!
Now that the season is over Blake has been working out and studying alot! We are kinda just playing the waiting game of what schools want him and what schools fit us well. Blake went down to So. Cal a few weekends ago to play in front of a lot of 4 year coaches and then on Tuesday he left to Colorado for an official visit. We have our options we like...we'll see where we end up next year!!! It's all pretty exciting and quite the adventure!
Other then that not much else is going on...I've been working away and the weather here has been beautiful! Mid 70's in March...I can get use to this!


Laurie Von said...

very exciting, but i dont like you leaving us. what a fun time in your lives though. you two are so cute.

Daniel and Savannah Jensen said...

Glad you found time to update it was fun reading! I am so jealous of the warm weather you are having btw!