Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, July 07, 2012

.::33 Weeks::.

How far along? 33 Weeks & 6 Days
Total weight gain: ?
Stretch marks?
Sleep: I sleep terribly for 3-4 days and then have one good night of rest and the cycle continues
Best moment this week: Got Baby K a small dresser and put her newborn & 0-3 month clothes in it and working on painting her changing table white. And Baby K's cousin Addley was born on Sunday! Yay! We can't wait to meet her!
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my belly, having energy, getting a full workout in.
Movement: She's a mover!
Food cravings: Fruit smoothies, scones, fresh cut fruit, and crepes.
Symptoms: Does slowing down and getting tired faster qualitfy as a symptom?
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...occassionally get moody over random things.
Looking forward to: 34 week appointment on Monday :o)

Suggestions on what to pack in the hospital bag for mama and baby?? I have pinned a bunch of things on Pinterest but would like to hear from my fellow ladies on what you really need/glad you packed.
And last but not least...
pictures from the last week on Instagram... enjoy!
Banana Vanilla swirl ice cream dipped in chocolate from Graff Dairy...yum!
Blake putting together Keilani's dresser!
We fed the missionaries and a couple investagating the church on Monday
Baked Ziti, Asparagus (pic missing), fresh cut fruit, bread, and Red Velvet Cake! Yummy in my tummy!
My little sister Makenna in her cheer uniform...so pretty!
Me & My Love <3
Blake trying to watch t.v. with my belly in the way!
My boss gave me these two outfits for baby girl :)
Our 4th of July grub! Aloha burgers, fruit, potatoe salad, hot dogs, and IBC Cream Soda. I had to work until 4:30 that day and I was beat after so we just BBQ'd and enjoyed our time together! Fireworks are completely banned here but we heard a few random ones late that night...I'm sure those people got the $750 tickets that cops were handing out.


Callan and Jaci said...

you look so good!! i would take your own pillows and a laptop or something to pass the time... also witch hazel pads but i think most hospitals give them to you...my advice while your there would be to take a shower and get up and walk..it makes you feel sooo much better!!!

The Finlinsons said...

So, I realized that I missed your post about the baby's name. I just wanted to say that when naming Leila I actually loved the name Keilani and for quite some time after Leila was born I would call her "Leilani Lou".

The McKennas said...

haha I remember missing sleeping on my belly too! Can't believe you'll have her next month, so exciting!! don't forget the car seat! haha (thats what we did and I had to wait for sam to go get it)

Steven and Cara said...

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has a hard time sleeping! I'm on the same sleeping schedule that you are, 3-4 days of nothing and then one good night :). I heard that taking and iPod with your favorite music can be nice, but I'm a newbie like you. I'm so excited for you guys!

Clara Turbay said...

It´s nice!

M & T Peterson said...

You are so cute! I always love to have DVD 's of my favorite TV shows. Maddox was born during one of my favorite episodes of How I Met Your Mother. :) It made me feel more at home. It kinda even helped me cope when my epidural refused to work. ;) Good luck! The last ten weeks are hard, but they seem to be the most exciting too!