Likes: Sports, ESPN, Playstation/Xbox, Bob Dylan and friends, movies, cracking jokes, and hanging out with the wife.
Dislikes: Commercials, onions, not having control of the remote (typical man), math, and the continuous reality t.v. shows the wife intends on watching.
Likes: Sports, reading, ice cream, crafts, shopping, crunching numbers, music, laughing at the hubs jokes, and watching him rock it on the basketball court.
Dislikes: Cold weather (percipitation of any type), mean people, dirty bathrooms (dirty anything,really), and the long hours the hubs puts into the playstation.
Keilani Lee(The Baby):
Likes: Eating, sleeping, pooping, giggling, cuddling, bath time, and kisses from mommy and daddy.
Dislikes: After bath time and waiting to be fed.
Keilani Lee(The Baby):
Likes: Eating, sleeping, pooping, giggling, cuddling, bath time, and kisses from mommy and daddy.
Dislikes: After bath time and waiting to be fed.
The Francom's: We were married August 2, 2008 in the Manti LDS temple. Since then we haven't really stayed put. We lived in Salinas, California for two years and now live in Grand Junction, Colorado. We had our daughter, Keilani Lee, August 20, 2012 and she is the light of our life. Our life together is one fun adventure learning the good and bad of eachother and loving each other unconditionally.