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Sunday, May 06, 2012

.::24 Weeks & Child Birth Classes::.

How far along? 24 Weeks

Total weight gain: +15 lbs.
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep: Sleep? A thing of the past.
Best moment this week: Actually seeing my stomach move from her kicks and movement.
Miss Anything? Working out regularly. My pregnancy isn't holding me back but my job is, working 50 hours a week is killing me and what makes me so tired!
Movement: More and more each day. Sometimes you can see my belly jump when she kicks!
Food cravings: Oranges! Yum...one day I thought I could take down a whole bag of them...I'm sure my Vitamin C levels are awesome!
Symptoms: Leg cramps! Awh! I technically have only had one..and that was at 15 weeks in which we were at an away game in Durango and I woke up in terrible pain and my friend Cassidie had to help me massage and stretch it out haha. But now I will wake up in the middle of the night and feel them come on so I jump out of bed and start stretching like a mad woman.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In, barely
Wedding rings on or off? On, but I take it off at night cause I swell up a little
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy 
Looking forward to: Our trip to California! And then going back to Utah for a few days to see my aunts who will be there visiting from Australia! :)

This last weekend we went to the CMU baseball game and it was a lot of fun. Freezing, but fun. We went all baseball food out and got hot dogs, chicken fingers, fries, and Peanut M&M's...and then when it got more chilly...hot cocoa! It was a really good game and CMU won! We also tried out a new restaurant, it was a hawiian BBQ place and it was absolutely deliscious! We will definitely be going back there more, especially since it's right by the school Blake will be doing his student teaching and coaching at in the fall.
We had the SAAC picnic again this year and won 2-2day tickets to Rock Jam (which we will be selling) and a Ladderball, disc toss game! We also had Blake's end of year team BBQ and ate too many cookies! :)

Yesterday we went and saw the Avengers! And loved it! And don't worry we were rocking our Avenger t-shirts for the day! :)
And now...child birth classes...so my friends who are already mothers...who took the classes and who didn't? Did you find them extremely helpful? Was there an alternate route you and your partner went into learning more about and preparing for child birth (books, videos, etc.)?

And I just got this canopy basically for free from carseatcanopy.com.
Enter promo code CCMOTHER and you only have to pay shipping...which is like $12.
I thought it was a good deal! :o)


Amber Holdaway said...

I found the classes to be very helpful and informative. Blaine really liked knowing all that would be happening as well. I read a lot of magazine articles too. I felt pretty informed when I got to labor. Where are you taking classes at?

Jordan and Leslie said...

I did not take any classes and felt very prepared. My favorite book I read to help me prepare was Hypno Birthing. I read a couple others that I can't remember the names. Also talk to everyone about it and I think that helps just as much. Just don't let people freak you out with their horror stories. Also my favorite website is babycenter.com they have everything you need to know. If you feel prepared enough without the classes and have a birth plan (but make sure it's flexible cause you never know if it might need to change) you will be just fine without the classes.

McKell said...

we took a class at the hospital and i am glad we did. i read up and did enough research on my own i think i would have been fine without one, but daryl learned a TON every class haha

M & T Peterson said...

No classes, but lots of reading. I read ina
Mae's guide to child birth and loved it. I was planning on having epidurals, but still found it helpful. Good luck.

Aubree Roberts said...

Well I obviously can't comment on the birthing classes, but I love that canopy! Did you consider getting the set? I thought that was a pretty sweet deal! I'm always looking through those coupons to see if there's anything I can get for free that I may use in the future haha! That baby bump is adorable btw! You look awesome!

Jannifer said...

K love the bump! I need to see it in person. haha I love all the details about the pregnancy, so fun. Hope to see you guys soon!

McKell said...

add on (haha, sorry): i planned on getting an epidural so we didn't take a lamaze or bradley method type class. Instead we did a series through the hospital(once a week for 4 weeks) that covered labor, hospital admission, delivery, recovery, newborn care, breastfeeding, and billing.

If you do decide to take a class think about what your birth plan is to know what kind of class you should take

The Finlinsons said...

I can't believe how fast the pregnancy is going!!! Last time I saw you...I think you were either BARELY pregnant or not even pregnant! Sounds like things are great though! I'm totally jealous that you don't have many horrible side effects!