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Thursday, May 10, 2012

.:: 25 Weeks & Pack 'n Play Advice::.

How far along? 25 Weeks, 4 days

Total weight gain: +17 lbs.
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep: I keep having dreams that I go into labor and Blake is teaching and I can't get a hold of him so one of his teammates has to take me to the hospital. In all honesty, I would probably only call one of them to take me but in your dream when his younger, not as smart, partying teammates want to just throw you over there shoulder, it's terrifying!
Best moment this week: Blake taking his very last final ever (for his undergrad) and him celebrating by buying a CMU bib for the babe, getting a mani-pedi with my friend Angie, and going to Ross and buying a cute piggy bank and outfit  (and clothes for us) for the baby.
Miss Anything? Same as usual, wishing I had a normal work schedule so I could workout and play tennis more. I'm sure next week it will be different since I will be at amusement parks.
Movement: She's a mover! Especially late at night when I am going to bed, luckily it doesn't keep me up.
Food cravings: PB and honey on wheat toast/english muffin, Diet Pepsi, and fruit smooties.
Symptoms: I sometimes have round ligament pain after walking on my 30 minute breaks but it's not bad.
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, when I am not at work :)
Looking forward to: My doctors appointment on Friday and then immediatly leaving after for St. George, Cali, and then back to Utah.

I love the advice people have given me! It's nice to hear from women your own age who are in the same stage of life as you!

Who has a Pack 'n Play? I think this item is essential, especially when we go visit family and baby needs a place to sleep...or chill during the day. Anyways...there are like a billion kinds out there and I am wondering if you need this high-tech has a changing station that turns into a newborn napper with a mobile (though I think that would be nice for the babe) with an adjustable shade cover with a night light? Are all those things necessary and do you actually use them all?


Callan and Jaci said...

i love reading all of your baby updates :) i definitly think a pack n play is a must. we still use ours for krew when we go camping and stuff.. we have the graco one with a bassinet and toy bar. i love it! i never really used the bassinet part with krew but its nice to have the option. you look so cute btw!!

Jordan and Leslie said...

I love my pack n play! I have a Graco and it has the bassinet and changing station but the only part I use is the bassinet part when they are first born and in my room. The changing table I did not like at all and have never used it.

The Brown Family said...

You are too cute prego! I loved our packnplay and used it and will use it again for the first 2 months with the newborn napper & changing table, but what I wish I knew about them is they have a mini size, which is really all that is needed and i'm sure a better deal! It would be so much easier packing it on trips, fitting it in our tent when camping, I may just get one this time around

M & T Peterson said...

Love our pack n play, but never used the add ons. I'm actually thinking of buying a second one so I can have one here, for friend's babies, and then one to specifically keep at g-ma's. :) Have you tried diapers.com? I love that website and you can usually find coupon codes on google. Good luck.

Nolan and Chelsey said...

I love my pack n play. I get a lot of use out of the bassinet and changing station for the first couple months, but they grow out of those things pretty quickly.

Bethany said...

I love our pack n play, and we use the bassinet for when she sleeps in our room. Definitely a must!