Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Thursday, July 26, 2012

.::36 Weeks::.

How far along? 36 Weeks & 4 Days!

Total weight gain: 25lbs.
Stretch marks? Yep
Sleep: ...
Best moment this week: 36 week appointment & hearing her heartbeat, seeing The Dark Knight Rises & having dinner at Olive Garden, and buying a new car, that was actually good, then stressful (doing the paperwork & financing) and then good when all was said and done!
Miss Anything? Having energy and not needing help getting out of bed in the middle of the night
Movement: Lots of it! One night laying on the couch she stuck her foot clear out and we could literally grab it, it was weird and awesome at the same time! :)
Food cravings: Anythig not healthy for you is what I want to eat, I don't give in all the time, but still want it!
Symptoms: Had another leg cramp early Sunday morning, hip and nether region aches, ya know pressure from her head and all.
Labor Signs: None, that I know of. I read peoples blogs or comments on Facebook and swear I'm either getting nothing or I am just delusional and mark off little aches and pains as normal and not braxton hicks or anything. My doctor thinks it's the latter which I hope she's right.
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, except thinking about working from 10a-8:30p.m for two days almost made me cry...and call into work and just go back to Utah early.
Looking forward to: Going to Utah Thursday night, seeing friends and family, my baby shower on Saturday! And of course, meeting this sweet girl soon! :)

I have been thinking alot this last week or so about how I actually enjoy pregnancy. I have been extremely lucky that it's really been a cake walk. But also I LOVE having this baby with me at all times and feeling her move all around. Blake has been BEYOND and I mean BEYOND amazing while I am pregnant. I come home and the house is clean and dinner is about ready. If I am tired he always has me lay down (I feel lazy when I do cause he is doing stuff that I could do) and just chill. He's always comforting when I have a down day and does whatever he can to cheer me up. He listens to my crazy ideas for things I want/need/don't really need but think I do for me, baby, or him and sometimes goes with it or brings me back to earth and helps me realize if I don't need certain things haha. He always encourages me to workout cause he knows how important it is to me to do so and try and stay healthy for this baby, without his encouragement I would have done A LOT worse and probably be in a crummy mood most days. Thinking of all that he does for me makes me want to cry because I am soooo lucky to have him and this baby is going to have the best daddy in the world, she is already the most spoiled child ever because Blake will be in her life. These damn pregnancy hormones are getting to me and making me all sappy! OKay I am going to stop blubbering on like a pregnant lunatic now... :o)

Waiting for The Dark Knight Rises to start!
Yayy for new cars! :o)


Callan and Jaci said...

Once again,you look so awesome!!! And i had no clue sandy had another baby lol...a girl or boy?? where am i?...but yes i think she is right..chasing a 2 year old makes itsooo much harder.. im constantly doing squats to pick up a 30lb child haha..no name for sure but leaning toward harper :)

Daniel and Savannah Jensen said...

Nice car! Props to Blake for being such a great hubby! It's funny, I have heard from a lot of pregnant women that they loved being pregnant and actually miss it for the same reasons you mentioned--being able to feel the baby move, etc. How exciting that you're almost done!